Welcome to America Counts's Acutal Vote video archive!
A poll tape is a long strip of paper that shows vote totals. Check out this one, from Iredell County, North Carolina to see an example.
People like you use our Actual Vote app to video-record these Actual Vote Videos. Those video recordings are automatically uploaded to this site. America Counts compares the vote totals on these videos to the officially reported results to check for discrepancies. The result is improved election transparency and accuracy. Check out the Get Started! section of our website to learn how this works.
On the Actual Vote Video Archive tab, you can see a list of all video recordings that our experts have reviewed and approved for public display. Practice recordings and recordings that are not acceptable for public display are not shown.
If you've already use the Actual Vote app, you can log in and view your My Recordings tab to view all videos you've submitted with Actual Vote, including practice recordings. This area is private to you, and it shows all videos you've submitted with Actual Vote, including ones that don't appear on the Acutal Vote Archive tab.
For questions or comments, feel free to contact America Counts.
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